Who better to rate North Endicott Chiropractic’s services and effectiveness than our patients.
Diane Ryder
Dr. Cooper is an excellent chiropractor. He enjoys helping people and wants what is best for them, which means that he is always doing his best for his clients. He will tell you the best treatment for your condition without being high pressure. He is caring and easy to talk to. He has helped me so much! I am a caregiver and would not be able to work if it wasn’t for him treating me! I highly recommend him!
Nicole Alexis
Literally saved mine and my husbands life! Very informative. I feel better and well informed on my health after each visit. Go to Dr. Cooper!
Patricia Burton
When I first came to Dr. Cooper my kyphoscoliosis caused me constant moderate pain from my lower back up to my head. I had had the pain in some areas for two years, in others for five years. I had experienced brief relief with hot baths and with my husband rubbing my back, but the pain always came back. After 7-8 visits with Dr. Cooper I am pain free.
Amy Crotsley
When I first came to Dr. Cooper I had upper neck and lower back pain. I have had this pain for at least five years. It affected my work and social life. I could not enjoy things without extra pain. I could not sit straight without pain. I used Tylenol or Advil 3-4 times per week although pain was constant. I have no upper back or neck pain. I feel great and my posture has improved a great deal. I also have more energy.
Janet Lewis
When I first came to Dr. Cooper I had constant pain in the lower back and neck, constant numbness in the left leg and left arm weakness. I felt like I was 75 years old. I saw my primary care physician who referred me to a neurologist and an orthopedist. The orthopedist wanted to do surgery. When I refused, they told me not to
come back. My husband did an on line search for alternatives and I was intrigued by the “mirror image” approach. The results have been amazing. The pain is nearly gone, the numbness is almost gone in my arm. I feel better and can do many things without or with very little pain. I now feel like I am 37 again.
Sara Zubalsky
On my first visit to see Dr. Cooper I had previously been diagnosed with Lyme’s Disease and Fibromyalgia.
Although I was treated for the Lyme’s Disease , I was still constantly tired. I had constant lower back pain that was at its best moderate and sometimes was severe, could not sit more than a half hour without increased pain, and was limited in lifting, which was a problem at work. I had pain in my left leg and foot most of the time and numbness about half the time and occasionally had left knee pain. I woke up in the middle of the night frequently and had difficulty getting back to sleep, got light headed if I got up too quickly and had occasional twitching of my eyelids. I had ringing in my ears, could not work more than 30 hours per week, walk more than a mile and could hardly exercise or do anything for recreation. In the mornings I felt like I was 70 years old.After four weeks of care I am pain free, energetic, usually sleep through the night, have no limitations in activities or ringing in my ears and feel like I am 25 again. Chiropractic Biophysics and nutritional support from Dr. Cooper have changed my life.
Shenen Bennet
Before coming to Dr. Cooper I suffered two years of chronic lower back pain, I could not sleep, shovel snow and had a hard time walking. I was taking 1800 mg. of Advil daily, muscle relaxers, arthritis medicine, was using ice, heating pads, patches and topical creams, sometimes all at once. I bought a new bed, saw two medical doctors and another chiropractor with only minimal relief and doubted my body was strong enough to support a pregnancy. Within three months under Dr. Cooper’s care I was virtually pain, pill and patch free and sleeping through the night. My pregnancy went extremely well and my wonderful daughter is now four years old.
Walt Adams
Vestal, NY
In my opinion Dr. Cooper is outstanding
I have had a number of Sciatica episodes and with each one Dr. Cooper has done wonders to alleviate the pain in an very short period of time after only a few visits. I found Dr. Cooper to be extremely knowledgeable regarding how the spine affects every part of the body. With his insightful approach I find myself in a much better position from a health awareness standpoint. I have no qualms whatsoever about highly recommending him!
Diane Roach
Port Crane, NY
Dr. Cooper is an excellent Chiropractor. He enjoys helping people and wants what is best for them which means that he is always doing his best for his clients. He will tell you the best treatment for your condition with no high-pressure. He is caring and easy to talk to. He has helped me so much! I am a caregiver and would not be able to work if it weren’t for him treating me. I highly recommend him.
Dot Kurpiela
I first brought my 11-year-old daughter, Lou Ann, to see Dr. Cooper due to trouble she was having swallowing, which often led to choking and difficulty with her speaking making it hard to understand what she was saying. Before seeing Dr. Cooper Lou Ann had been examined and treated by medical doctors, speech therapists amd physical therapists at great expense with little results. After only 6 visits to Dr. Cooper’s office Lou Ann is now able to eat without choking and her speech has improved to the point where I can understand her much better.
Eirene McIntosh
When I first came to see Dr. Cooper I had been suffering for several years with Fibromyaglia, pain in my hips, knees and shoulders as well as pain in my neck and upper and lower back. I was also suffering from digestive problems, severe bloating and other symptoms that prevented me from living my daily life the way I should have been able to. I missed days at work and my productivity on the job suffered. I avoided going out socially, going to the gym and avoided participating in sports. I couldn’t walk more than 1/2 a block without increased pain and I sometimes failed to perform necessary household chores. I was only able to sleep about half as much as I had before. My insurance companies, my family and I had spent at least $50,000 for treatment by medical doctors, orthopedists, psychologists and other specialists with few, if any, benefits. After 8 visits to Dr. Cooper’s office in a little over a a month my pain levels have dropped drastically and I have no more stomach issues or bouts of depression. I now sleep well and my energy level has improved markedly. I now feel I can live my live on my own terms thanks to Dr. Cooper.
Thomas Hammond
When I was 17-years-old I jumped off a moving freight train traveling at about 50 miles an hour or more. Although I tucked and rolled when I landed my neck hurt for about a week. I believe it was that fall that reversed the curvature of my neck and forcing the weight of my head onto the discs in my neck for the next 21 years. At that point I began having occasional bouts of neck pain with a tingling numbness in my left hand. Some time thereafter I woke up in constant pain in my lower neck, left shoulder, chest and forearm with accompanying weakness in my left triceps and tingling and numbness in my left hand. My sleep capability was severely hampered and I was unable to sit or stand for more than 15 minutes. I couldn’t walk my dog, shovel snow, do household chores or drive my car. In an effort to relieve my pain I visited four of Broome County’s most respected doctors including an orthopedist, a neurosurgeon, a psychiatrist and a chiropractor. The diagnosis was 3 herniated discs in my neck that would require surgery. The chiropractor’s efforts failed and the neurosurgeon said that my prognosis was poor at best and he refused to perform the operation. During my first visit to Dr. Cooper he told me that he was unsure as to whether or not he would be able to help and explained the process for a different approach to treatment might yield results. Dr. Cooper, employing traction and spinal manipulation, was able to correct the curvature of my neck to a point where the weight of my head shifted onto a bony part of my neck called “Pillars” and off the discs. Within 3 days of visiting Dr. Cooper’s office I was able to do many of the things I couldn’t do before for much longer periods and my condition has steadily improved.