If there was a piece missing in the health puzzle, would you want to know?

Try this experiment with me: find something nearby that weighs between eight and 16 pounds. Hold it up against your chest with two hands from underneath.Notice you could hold it like that for a while if you had to.

Now try holding it out from your chest just an inch.Most people with back or neck pain have some part of their body weighing at least this much and at least this far from their center of gravity.How long do you want to hold it there?How about 16 hours per day.

That is how long most people hold a head, torso or pelvis away from their centers of gravity because of postural distortion.In other words, they are out of alignment.

You have to get the weight closer to your center of gravity to solve the problem.This imbalance alters distribution of weight, which is supposed to be shared between discs in the front and posterior joints of the spine. This is a major cause of back and neck pain and dysfunction, often addressed only with drugs and other methods that do not reliably correct alignment.

This is why you may want to find that missing piece with Chiropractic Biophysics. Why not address structure and not just cover up pain.

If you would like to learn more about a reliable structurally corrective approach, please visit our website, www.norhtendicottchiropractic.com or www.idealspine.com, the Chiropractic Biophysics website, or call me personally at my office754-7669.

We are a look ahead species in a look down society.

For 99.9% of our evolutionary history, we were hunter gatherers. This means, all day we looked around in positions to assess, “What can I hunt, what can hunt me, what can I gather?”. There was some looking down, some looking up and a lot of looking straight ahead. Silverware was invented 850 years ago, reading and writing 3200 years ago. If all of human history was condensed to a 24 hour clock, 850 years would be less than 30 seconds, 3200 years would be less than two minutes, not enough time to evolve from a look ahead to a look down species.

Today, we average modern humans sleep with two pillows propping our heads forward, eat breakfast while reading the newspaper down on the table, get in our cars and drive to work. If the light turns read, and is above our level of vision blocked by the roofs of our cars, we push our heads forward to see when the light turns. Most of us leave them there. At work most of us look down all day at papers, assembly lines, floors, dishes, pots, pans cutting boards, clients; heads, key boards and copy material, etc. When we get home, we get out the cutting board and look down to cut vegetables, stir pots and pans, eat dinner looking down with our forks and knives and clean up from dinner, again looking down. After that, most either go watch TV, and if your recliner points your head towards the ceiling, you are probably looking down to see the TV, or look down at our cell phones or tablets for two to three hours.

Our heads are the weight of bowling balls. 70% of this weight is supposed to sit on a set of structures called the cervical articular pillars (see link) In the illustration, the left side is the back of the body, the right side is the front. In the front, you can see the vertebral bodies and between the bodies are the cervical discs. When we develop ideally, there is an arc of a circle shaped curve in the neck, placing 70% of the weight of our heads on the pillars and only 30% on the bodies and discs. When we look down all day, the alignment and distribution often is reversed. This crushes the discs, which can bulge (out like balloons squeezed), herniate (the jelly like inside of the disc squeezes out of the fibrous outer layer), often towards vital nerves, and degenerate, in which the disc thins and the body lays down more bone where there is more stress, bone spurs that can eventually get big enough to put pressure on nerves or fuse together with the bone spurs above and below, diminishing mobility.

A main focus of my practice, North Endicott Chiropractic, is teaching people how to use their bodies differently, minimizing damage to the spine, and undoing the damage as quickly as possible with mirror image exercise, adjustments and traction. To learn more, see other article under more, articles by Dr. Cooper, blog and my YouTube, Facebook and Instagram pages or call for the time of my next spinal care class.

Dr. Cooper has helped patients get back to feeling the way they should from all over Broome County, including patients from Endicott, Vestal, Endwell, West Corners, Willow Point, and many other neighboring communities!

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North Endicott Chiropractic, PC