Every Step You Take

There is a type of sensor in your joints that detects where your different body parts are in relation to the
others in space. The name is unimportant but in case your curious they are called, mechano-receptors
or proprioceptors (the terms alter in popularity). When these cells are stimulated they signal your entire
nervous system to accept whatever posture you are in as ideal, and encourage your body to strive
towards that posture. These sensors are simulated by manipulation. This is why the postural setup
before you are adjusted is more important than the adjustment itself. If you are in the wrong position
the manipulation would not be an adjustment because it will be telling your body to strive towards bad
posture. These sensors are also simulated every time your heel strikes the ground while walking.
Therefore, it is especially important to maintain good posture while walking. To see someone walking
while looking down at their feet or at a cell phone is to me like nails on a blackboard.

Another interesting factoid about walking: cement is 7 times harder than asphalt. Therefore, running on
sidewalks pounds your joints 7 times harder than running in the street. You will have to determine for
yourself which risk is higher, traffic or increased pounding of your joints.

If you have ever watched someone carry a heavy suitcase you have no doubt noticed their body lends
away from the weight. This is called the righting reflex because the body rights itself to compensate for
the weight. This can be used to improve posture. If a person’s head is forward and a weight is firmly
secured to the forehead the persons head will come back to compensate for the weight on the

I have a patient with a congenitally underdeveloped arm, the weight of her fully developed arm causes a
righting reflex to shift her torso in the direction of the underdeveloped arm, causing her spine to be
crooked. I told her to, as much as she is able, carry what she could on the side of her underdeveloped
arm and to walk on a treadmill with a weight strapped to the underdeveloped arm. Her posture and
spine normalized.

I hope you have found this information about positioning sensors in your body to be useful, and to be
especially careful of your posture when walking or running.

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North Endicott Chiropractic, PC